Sunday, March 2, 2008

The weekend is almost over!

I cant believe it's already Sunday. The weekends go by so fast. Well, remember that game I talked about last time "Lost in Blue 2"? I am stuck at this point of just feeding these people. That's all I do is look for food and feed them. They just cant stay full. Seriously can they make it a little bit more realistic. I know I love to eat but I don't eat that much during the day. At least I didn't die!!! Hehee:)

OK, I think I have been struck with bad luck with vacuum cleaners. I have gone through one like every year. Our last one we got from our wedding lasted at least 3 yrs but it died last night. So of course we had to go out and get another one. I cannot believe how many different kinds of vacuums there are. I mean why do we need 20 different ones to choose from. I just need something to pick up the dirt and do its job. How do you pick the right one? Is there one better than the other? And why is it better? They should have a class on how to pick the right vacuum because I got a headache just staring at all the ones to get. My husband of course choose the one he wanted since he is the one that vacuums. So I am all good with that. But it was like over $100! What the heck. The things we have to deal with in this world.

Well I am off to church now. Will talk later.

1 comment:

Di said...

Don't even talk about those poor lttle LIB kids. You don't love them! ha ha The first one isn't so bad. You only played it for 2 minutes!