Friday, March 7, 2008

Thank God it's Friday!

Well, I wish I had good news to tell ya but I don't. My son came back with a "green day" today. No, not the rock group. I only wish. He had to write sentences for playing around too much. He says the substitute was mean and hard. Which maybe true but doesn't give him the right to misbehave and not respect him or her. So he is grounded tonight. Man, and I really wanted to go to McDonald's too! I was looking forward to that fish sandwich. Like I said before, punishing them is like punishing yourself. I hate it! So now he is doing his homework and he is going straight to bed and after dinner. So should I ground him for the whole weekend? Or just ground him tonight? How should I do this? I don't wanna be too mean or hard. I don't know........ HELP! Really wish there was a book that had all the answers on parenting. I don't care how much it
cost because I would buy that sucker. He looks so sad over there doing his homework. When I told him no McDonald's when he told me about his day, his face just dropped to the ground. I hate seeing my baby like that. That was so hard. But I gotta stay strong. Why are we mothers so weak when it comes to punishment?? Well, not all mothers are like this but the ones who are.

I can only hope things get better because I am not a happy camper here. I have no plans for this weekend and am very sad. My son has a dentist appointment on Sat after his acting class so that will not be the highlight of my day. I really hope he doesn't have any cavities because he already had like 3 so far. And getting them filled was not fun for me! He was not a happy camper. The dentist is a new one for him so it will be his first time there. But I go to that dentist and he is awesome. He is like the coolest dentist I have ever meet. And I have gone through a lot. My supervisor is the one that recommended him and swore by him and now I know why. So keep fingers cross.

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