Thursday, October 9, 2008

First Day of Second Grade!

My Baby is all grown up! He is in Second Grade. OMG! I never thought they would grow up so fast. He is just getting smarter and smarter everyday. I cant keep up with him. He asks me questions that I dont even know the answer to. He is only 7! I dont know what I am going to do. I might have to go back to school. He is enjoying school and seems like doing much better with this class. His teacher has not sent home any notes about his behavior yet. We went to the Parent Open House Night and she said he does talk a little more than she would like but she doesnt see any problems or bad behavior with him. So we were very relief to hear that. She said that he just needs to pay attention more which we already know. He is just so talkative and busy. I just dont know where he gets it. My husband swares he gets it from me but I never had that problem at school. So I dont know if that is true or not. He is coming home with grades of A and B so we are very proud of him. He is still getting picked on and teased. He has been bullied since last year. He has told me that the older kids are calling him gay and that he is a girl because he likes to sing and dance. Come on now....and this is a Christian school. I expect better from a Christian school. I know kids will be kids but that is where parenting and the education system comes in. We are here to teach these children on how to behave and treat others. So if I am paying more to take him to a Christian school then I expect more from the teacher, school, and children. SO I let my voice be heard when my son ran to me crying about being bullied. And I made sure something was done about it. His principal had meetings with each classroom on how to behave and treat others. So far he has told me that everyone is now nice to him and has not called him any names. So I am glad that was resolved because that was a difficult issue to handle. What is wrong with a boy who likes to sing and dance. We see it all over TV and movies and shows but it's okay for the top dogs. So when it comes to a child then something is wrong with him. What makes him gay just because he likes to sing and dance. So does that make Elvis, Santana, Kanye West, Akon, etc gay because they are all singers. What is this world coming to? Why do people think they have the right to judge others? We dont. We are not GOD or in charge. I pay my bills, not you, so why are you all up in my business???? People need to really start worrying about themselves and not work so hard on trying to change others. We are not perfect so why point fingers when you yourself have faults? Just a thought.........I love my baby boy!

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